I’ll take the rump.
It’s official — as of this afternoon I own part of a cow! k, not exactly. It’s a cow-share. Here’s how it works: we “purchased” a share of a cow and pay a monthly maintenance fee. In exchange, we get a share of her milk.
I’m excited to have a new experience of dairy that’s not highly industrialized, removed from my life, and kind of mysterious which is my experience of most food things I can get off the shelf at the grocery store. Instead I can meet the two cows whose milk I’ll consume. I can know all about their health, their feed, their quality of life, and the processes that produce the milk and get it to my fridge. I can have a relationship with the person who keeps and milks the cows and consume dairy knowing that we share values and ethics about food and animals.
Dollar for litre it’s no more expensive than organic milk at the supermarket although with gas and time & etc it will cost a little more. I have enough apprehensions about commercial dairy and enough interest in having more of a relationship with where my food comes from, though, that it’s worth it to me to at least try.
Also, circumventing the law and/or paranoid ideas about food safety is always fun and the cow-share hits both targets. Not that the raw milk aspect doesn’t make me a little nervous but this way I can see and know for myself the conditions under which my milk is procured and make informed decisions.
I just had a taste of the cream off the top — so good!
I forgot to mention — because some of us were wondering before about milk and what happens with calves, these cows are bred every year. the female calves are raised for dairy and the bull calves are raised to 18 months then slaughtered for meat. I don’t know if this is how things usually work in commercial dairies.
I’d love to come and see your part of the cow sometime … and maybe buy a share myself. It’s so fun to get milk from a cow that you’ve met!